Shoutouts Sugilite, welcome to 2016! Just think how much better you felt with a bit of savings under your belt, when you thought you'd have to move soon, and when you did a bit of much needed shopping.
movinonup, you've done a great job this year even when faced with significant challenges. I am sorry you lost your MIL this past year. You are in good company with other Savers who've lost someone close to them. I am glad you could weather the storm financially, and also glad you will soon be reimbursed by the estate. Looking forward to seeing you on the Savers 2016 thread!
snapdragon, a number of us are at the stage where burial expenses are a financial concern. Paying off the second mortgage is an excellent goal. As you know, some of us here are WIR Racers as well as Savers. It is possible, and wise, to do both.
tobinikui, congratulations on selling the car. You have a lot on your plate for 2016 (good things!) and I am looking forward to reading your updates. Yay for family members who pay back their loans!
Saving4Norway, I took your comments into consideration when I set my 2016 savings goals. We shall see if that helps in meeting my goals. I do know this, setting goals that I don't attain has a demoralizing effect on me. Other people are motivated by setting stretch goals. I guess it helps to realize I am not a stretch person. I do agree about setting small goals as opposed to one big one. My Voya (formerly ING) account has multiple sub-accounts and I have changed the name on some sub-accounts more than once.
forwardwego, I am so glad you love the 52-week challenge. I agree that the idea is an excellent way to start saving (for people who have never been able to save before) or to add to other targeted savings goals. As you have demonstrated, there is more than one way to reach a goal. I am looking forward to reading your shoutouts in 2016! You are a great cheerleader for all of us. I'm blown away by the 18% savings you reaped by paying your insurance every 6 months instead of monthly. I'll have to check how much less mine would be if I did that.
Ombud, you are doing great! Stop beating yourself up. You are so amazingly resilient. Step back and see the progress you made this year. Helping your DS and DD is a good thing. Wow! You got your house back to yourself. Take pride in helping DD through everything to get her to this point. Where would your grandchildren be without you? You are amazing.
PauletteG, I don't remember if you have children, but St. Louis is a great place to visit with kids. We used to go there a lot with the kids. Now they have the City Museum, which I haven't been to but it seems as if it's a hands-on experience for kids and adults! My kids are grown now but two of them have been there and highly recommend it. I love visiting St. Louis (not right now, though
azucena, you exude excitement and confidence in meeting your 2015 goals and establishing 2016 goals. I love this: "I'm proud that I was able to increase my savings by almost 80%." Where else would people understand that you get a little giddy when you look at your savings balance? See you in the 2016 thread!
teachermom, I know it's been a tough year for you, and I don't even know the details. But you are a warrior. You are out there fighting the good fight, and every day is a challenge for you. I hope that 2016 is YOUR year, and that you get some much needed financial "breathing room."
megaptera, congratulations on the rescue pup. Whether you get pet insurance or set up a pet savings fund, just be prepared that pets cost more than you think, but they more than make up for it in the love they bring. Building a house is quite a goal. It's usually a once-in-a-lifetime endeavor, so remember to stop and smell the roses from time to time. Stressful, but exciting!
speechchick71, again, I am so sorry for your loss.
What a great thing you did with all the excess food in your father's pantry. It is a wonderful way to get rid of expired and unexpired food. I have done something similar with freezer burned meat. People will take it and feed it to their big dogs. One person I have given my old frozen meat to has a Great Dane that eats 4 pounds of meat per day (she says). It's better than having it go to waste. Wow, and your car too? You need to find another home for Murphy in 2016.
sealy, saving and racing go hand in hand. Looking forward to seeing how you handle things in 2016. Where there's a will, there's a way -- so "they" say.
2015 is a wrap. Sorry for any typos or other errors, which I can't fix. This thread will now be locked, and we are officially moving over to the
2016 Savers thread.
See you there!