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Gibbs: All governments around the world have to be responsive to the people they serve.
Uh huh.
Like the statement Barack made that he didn't come to Washington to serve the banks?
Like TARP, passed over 100:1 objections of The American People?
Like Obamacare, passed over monstrous objections of The American People?
Like running $1.7 trillion in deficits last year, and over $4.5 trillion in the last three years, with no plan to solve the problem or even slow it down? Remember, the CBO just updated their projections, after your boss added $500 billion more to the deficit for this year.
Like false claims - lies - on virtually every single political claim made during his campaign?
Like refusal to insist on prosecution of those who filed false affidavits - 150,000 cases of perjury?
Like refusal to insist on indicting Bernanke for perjury before Congress, when he said he wouldn't monetize the debt?