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biggovernment.com/laborunionreport/2011/01/19/anti-walmart-thugs-target-developer-plan-protest-outside-of-private-residence/ A group of of so-called “activists” has launched an anti-WalMart site called WalMart-Free DC in an attempt to keep WalMart out of Washington, DC. While the group claims no affiliation, its tactics are reminiscent of the thug-like tactics of the SEIU and UFCW. In fact, while the links on the site link to SEIU and UFCW funded groups like WalMartWatch, the WalMart-Free DC has decided they are entirely opposed to all-things WalMart:
(Complete with bullseye target........)
Last Edit: Jan 20, 2011 14:43:39 GMT -5 by Deleted - Back to Top